Student Solution


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Wk5 Apply case study

Wk5 Apply case study

Q Create a 3- to 4-page document (to submit in Blackboard) that includes the following: • Summary: Explain your overall approach to analyzing and addressing the needs of the new Appliance Warehouse Service Department. How did you ensure you met the implementation, integration, and maintenance needs of the new Appliance Warehouse Service Department business case? • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Design a WBS for the project of planning and implementing the new Service Department. Identify each task needed in order to implement the new Services Department. Include duration times. Refer to the Week 2 Discussion. • System Maintenance Plan: Include measures to implement corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive maintenance. Include recommendation to maintain the system either using in-house resources or to outsources it. Include pros and cons of both maintenance types. • Security Risks: Identify and explain potential security risks for the Service Department business case. Consider physical, network,application, file, user, and procedural types of security risks. Include the backup system method to be used.

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The six types of security risks that are provided are Physical Security Threat, Network Security Threat, Application security threats, File security Threats, User Security threats, and Procedural security threats Ahola, n.d.). First is a Physical Security threat which includes tailgating where a non-permitted person follows a permitted person. The second is the stealing of documents related to the SIM. The third is Unaccounted visitors (Ahola, n.d.). During any kind of incident these people are quite untraceable (Ahola, n.d.). Second is Network Security issues are like Computer viruses that are designed to spread from one software to another Adware and Spyware come through the network and are designed to track data for browsing habits (Ahola, n.d.).Spyware works similarly as well. Computer worms are the parts of the program that spread from one computer to another (Ahola, n.d.). Fourth is Application security risks like data leaks and exposure and injection attacks due to the use of improper configuration. Insufficient logging and monitoring help the attackers to tamper and destroy the data (Rosencrance